
    Your Guide to Buyer Needs Farming

    When you think of generating more seller leads, what’s the first thing that comes to mind?

    Spending more on Zillow? Tapping into your sphere of past clients?

    One thing we can almost guarantee it’s not: using your roster of buyers

    We know what you’re thinking...“How will I use a list of BUYERS to get more sellers?”

    Yes, at first glance, it seems a bit out there.

    But trust us, in a market where it’s never been more important to win sellers, especially after the NAR ruling, correctly using your roster of buyers is one of the most overlooked yet effective methods in seller lead generation.


    What’s this approach called? Buyer Needs Farming.

    After reading this blog, we can guarantee that you’ll want to get started immediately.

    In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover:

    Understanding Buyer Needs Farming


    Buyer Needs Farming is where you actively promote your roster of buyers to on and off-market sellers. 

    Let’s break down each part: ‘Buyer Needs’ and ‘Farming.’

    We’ll start with ‘Buyer Needs.’

    It takes a couple of readings to grasp, but this is where you promote how your roster of buyers’ ‘needs’ and ‘wants’ align perfectly with the seller’s property.

    For example, suppose you have a list of 12-15 motivated, qualified buyers actively looking for a 4BD, 4BA home over 2,500 sq. ft. in a subdivision.

    In that case, you can advertise this list of buyers to homeowners in that subdivision whose homes fit those criteria.


    Next? Let’s talk about ‘farming.’ 

    Farming is a method of lead generation in which a market is nurtured over a longer period of time to build relationships and trust. 

    Putting the two together, Buyer Needs Farming is the act of seller lead generation in which you actively promote your buyers list to homeowners in a certain area over a period of time, so when one (or more) of those homeowners decides to sell, they know you have a list of buyers ready to make a strong offer on their home.

    When done correctly, it’s an amazingly effective lead gen strategy for winning off-market sellers because very few agents are doing it correctly, if at all.

    Using Door Knocking to Implement Buyer Needs Farming


    Buyer Needs Farming can come in several different forms.

    Direct mail postcards and email marketing campaigns are some of the most popular methods, but let’s focus on a different kind: door-knocking.

    Avoid limiting your efforts to just one client as you canvass different neighborhoods. 

    You’ll likely work with multiple buyers and independently contact homeowners about your list of buyers ready to make strong offers on homes like theirs.

    For instance, if a buyer is looking for a 3-bedroom, 2-bath home in a neighborhood with great schools, focus on those areas and emphasize them during your door-to-door visits. 

    If you can’t find a home that fits your buyers’ needs, consider contacting owners of off-market properties to inform them about your potential buyers who might be interested, whether they’re considering selling now or in the future.

    To streamline this process, Realtors can use PropertyRadar to identify neighborhoods and homes that match their buyers’ needs and create customized lists of properties.


    Even better? PropertyRadar’s Playbook offers strategic insights for real estate agents to effectively leverage Buyer Needs Farming:

    • Tour neighborhoods with your buyer. Explore neighborhoods your buyer likes and their preferred communities. If you haven’t yet found a listed home they love, watch for off-market properties as you drive. These could be great opportunities for your buyer. You can also use the PropertyRadar app to get details and quickly make your outreach more personal. For example, you might find a homeowner who’s lived there a long time and could be thinking about downsizing or moving.

    • Look for homes that fit your buyer’s preferences. Use PropertyRadar to find and list properties that match what your buyer wants. Be prepared to contact off-market homes to see if the owners might be interested in selling. Letting them know you have a ready buyer might be what it takes to make a sale.

    • Received a rejected offer on a home in the neighborhood? Use PropertyRadar and the Neighbors feature to visit nearby homes and ask if any owners are considering selling. This approach can help your buyer get into their preferred neighborhood and allow you to secure a better deal from the start.

    Buyer Needs Gives Your Lead Generation Focus


    Pinpointing buyers’ needs — like their dream home, ideal location, and budget — makes it easier to zero in on the right leads.

    This means you’re not just reaching out to anyone, but to owners who fit the exact criteria of what your buyers are looking for.

    The outcome? Your lead generation becomes more targeted and successful. 

    Plus, aligning properties with buyers’ needs makes securing sales agreements easier.

    This technique speeds up the buying process because buyers are more eager when they find homes that match what they’re looking for.

    Another perk? Sellers are much more likely to work with you if this is the case. 

    Why? Because it shows you have serious, interested buyers and can facilitate a quicker sale.

    How Your Buyer Roster Bolsters Your Credibility


    Alright, so you want to start Buyer Needs Farming. 

    Great! Start by activating your buyer roster.

    Your buyer roster isn’t just a list of names — it’s a powerful network of eager prospects ready to act when the right property comes along. 

    We’ll explore how showcasing your buyer roster can enhance your reputation, attract more sellers, and help you close more seller leads.

    Answering “Why Am I the Right Person to Represent You?”


    So you have a list of potential buyers, and that’s great, but what sets you apart from other agents?

    When sellers are weighing why you’re the right person to represent them, detail the unique value you bring to the table.

    Yes, you’ve won the chance to speak with sellers by having a solid roster of buyers. It’s a strong first signal that you’re experienced in your local market. 

    But how can you take it further?

    Showing that you fully understand property values and nuances in the marketplace can help the seller craft an effective, realistic, and winning selling strategy.

    Want a helping hand? Using PropertyRadar, you can analyze science-based comps to provide solid, data-driven insights. 

    This demonstrates your expertise and reassures clients that your valuation is grounded in concrete data rather than guesswork.

    What else makes you stand out? How you market the property across multiple channels.

    This means showcasing the property using different platforms, such as postcards, door-knocking, and email campaigns.


    And don’t forget: Mastering hyperlocal lead generation helps solidify a strong presence and build meaningful connections within your specific market.

    How? By becoming the go-to expert in your area, you build a reputation for being the local authority. 

    This involves knowing the market and actively farming and generating sellers through your extensive buyer roster. 

    Your ability to connect with both sides of the transaction — buyers and sellers — creates a vast network that’s hard to rival. 

    Creating a Win-Win Situation


    Creating a win-win situation is a must in real estate — and it starts with a roster of buyers. 

    Having an existing pool of buyers gives you a substantial edge. You can immediately tap into this ready audience when you take on a new listing.

    The key to winning listings is to stand out and have an edge over the other agents vying for the same listing.

    What’s arguably the quickest win you can have?

    It’s by entering a listing presentation and showing that you have a list of pre-qualified, vetted buyers to whom you can start marketing today.

    Seller leads want to feel that their home is in good hands and won’t sit on the market for an extended period. 

    Activating your roster of buyers is the best way to provide sellers with the peace of mind that it won’t.

    This speeds up the sale and leads to better offers, as these buyers are pre-qualified and serious.

    In turn, this reinforces your reputation as an effective and proactive real estate agent, creating a solid foundation for future business and referrals.

    Implement a Multi-Channel Buyer Needs Farming Campaign


    Now, you’re ready to make a more significant impact and reach more buyers.

    First things first: kick off your multi-channel Buyer Needs Farming campaign with door-knocking to test your message and get instant feedback. 

    Follow up with phone calls to turn interest into honest conversations. 

    Next, send eye-catching postcards that keep your message in front of people’s minds (more on this below). 

    Then, use email to reach many people quickly with personalized messages. 

    Finish strong with online ads to spread your message far and wide. 

    For future campaigns, start with digital channels to perfect your approach, then use door-knocking, calls, mail, and email to seal the deal.

    Using Postcards to Promote Your Buyer Roster

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    Postcards are a crucial element of your real estate marketing strategy that you can’t afford to overlook. 

    Why? Because they’re not just an option — they can help you effectively attract more sellers and stand out in today’s competitive market.

    To make the most of them, focus on these critical areas:

    First, design your postcards to be eye-catching and professional. Use high-quality images and keep the layout clean, with your contact information easily found. 

    Your message should speak directly to what buyers are looking for, showcasing properties that match their needs. Personalizing your message makes it more relevant and engaging.

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    Next, send your postcards regularly to keep your brand visible and reinforce your message. 

    Create a mailing schedule that ensures your postcards reach potential sellers without overwhelming them.

    Use tools like PropertyRadar to understand buyer preferences and tailor your postcards accordingly to get started. 

    For design help, check out the Direct Mail feature page and explore various templates and resources available in the marketplace

    These tools make it easy to create professional-looking postcards quickly.

    And don’t forget: Tracking the success of your postcard campaigns is also essential. Pay attention to how they perform and adjust as needed to improve your results. 

    Budgeting for Buyer Needs Farming


    Found the perfect postcard? Let’s focus on your marketing budget

    When facing budget constraints in your marketing efforts, it’s important to narrow your focus to get the most out of your resources. 

    Instead of trying to reach everyone in your market, take the time to create an ideal property profile that outlines the types of homes your buyers are looking for.

    Pro tip: Focus on home features that fit the buyer’s needs.

    Do you have a list of buyers looking for 4-bedroom, 4-bathroom homes over 2,500 square feet? 

    Great! Create a list of such homes to market to those sellers. Consider adding criteria like age (older people may be looking to downsize, etc.).


    Once you have a clear picture of your target audience, segment this broader group into smaller, more manageable lists.

    After defining your segments, work backward to determine your marketing budget. 

    For example, if you have a $250 budget, you can use tools like the Hyperlocal Lead Generation Calculator to see how many potential buyers you can reach. 

    Let’s say you decide to use direct mail, and your budget allows you to target 500 potential buyers. 

    Targeting this specific group allows you to craft personalized messages that resonate better, leading to stronger results even on a tight budget.

    Advanced Techniques in Buyer Needs Farming


    To truly master Buyer Needs Farming, you must blend deep data insights with personalized outreach that speaks directly to each buyer’s unique journey.

    This involves adding detailed information about property owners to your Target Sellers List, like their age, when they bought their property, and how long they’ve owned it.

    For example, if an owner has had their property for 20 years, you might spot signs that they could be thinking about selling, like wanting to downsize or changing their life situation.

    Knowing these details lets you customize your marketing approach more effectively.

    For example, suppose an owner is nearing retirement and has lived in their home for decades. In that case, your messaging can emphasize the benefits of selling now to take advantage of the current market or simplify their lives.

    What’s more, by segmenting your audience based on things like how old their property is and how long they’ve owned it, you can create customized campaigns that match each group’s unique needs and preferences.

    You Need The Right Tech To Be a Better Farmer


    Throughout human history, the best farmers have had the best tools.

    A thousand years ago, the farmer with the horse-powered equipment beat the farmer who only had hand tools.

    A hundred years ago, the farmer with electric tools beat out the farmer who relied on horses.

    The same thing applies here.

    The best buyer needs farmers are the ones who have the most sophisticated tech stack.

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    Enter the age of PropertyRadar. 

    We tap into an extensive range of public records, including data on over 150 million properties, 250 million people, and more than 1 billion phone numbers and emails. 

    This extensive information is organized in a user-friendly database, accessible through desktop and mobile apps. 

    PropertyRadar keeps detailed records of your interactions, helping you remember each buyer’s interests and how they’ve responded to past communications. 

    With our advanced analytics and data visualization tools, you can uncover clear patterns and trends in your target audience’s preferences and behaviors. 

    For example, you’ll learn which properties appeal most to your prospects or how they react to different marketing messages. 

    You can fine-tune your strategies by leveraging these insights to meet their needs better.

    This means you can focus on what matters most to them — and leave all the legwork to us. 

    Make Sure To Tailor Your Approach For Each Seller Segment


    PropertyRadar can help you tailor your approach based on their specific needs and preferences when dealing with different types of sellers. 

    You can layer property criteria like beds, baths, square footage, and situational data on owners to help dictate your messaging.

    Always remember: if you build your Buyer Needs Farming lists solely around property criteria, you’ll be chasing the same lists as everyone else. 

    You can build exclusive lead lists by grouping sellers who want to downsize, move quickly, or upgrade their homes.

    For instance, as mentioned above, you can target sellers in homes with 4BD/4BA over 2,500 sq ft AND who are over 65+ years old, have lived there for over 20 years, and don’t have kids at home. 

    Now, that is an exclusive list. If you think someone in your area is working that angle, there’s a 99.9% chance you’re wrong.


    Another idea? Attract sellers of luxury homes. 

    Start by highlighting your expertise in connecting luxury sellers with interested buyers. 

    Use detailed profiles or testimonials to demonstrate how your curated list targets buyers seeking upscale properties.

    Next, create content that emphasizes the exclusivity of your buyer list. 

    Show how you match sellers with buyers interested in luxury upgrades like top-of-the-line kitchens, elegant bathrooms, and advanced home technology.

    Provide valuable market insights on luxury homes, including trends in high-end features, recent sales, and how different upgrades can boost a home’s value. 

    Use real-life examples and visuals to illustrate how these improvements attract buyers.

    Win More Sellers by Continuously Improving Your Buyer Needs Farming Approach


    As the saying goes, “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again."

    The same principle applies to improving your buyer-needs farming approach. 

    Key Performance Indicators for Buyer Needs Farming

    To succeed in Buyer Needs Farming, focus on key performance indicators (KPIs) that reveal how well your strategies align with buyer preferences.

    Monitor metrics like lead conversion rate, which measures how efficiently you turn leads into buyers, and engagement rate, which tracks buyer interaction with your marketing.

    Remember, average time on the market is a critical KPI — shorter times indicate you’re effectively meeting buyer preferences.

    Whatever you do, don’t overlook customer satisfaction — it provides crucial feedback and can drive repeat business and referrals.


    Finally, measuring return on investment (ROI) is crucial to ensure your marketing budget is used wisely.

    ROI helps you see if the money you’re spending on marketing brings enough results to be worth it. 

    But how can you monitor this data to fine-tune your strategies for optimal results?

    The solution: PropertyRadar. 

    Our robust data collection and analysis tools make monitoring KPIs, spotting trends, and adjusting your strategy a breeze. 

    You can benchmark your performance, identify areas for improvement, and leverage buyer feedback to keep your approach sharp and responsive to market shifts. 

    Continuous Improvement in Buyer Needs Farming


    Refine your strategy with results and feedback to stay on top and outpace the competition.

    Start by regularly reviewing the outcomes of your initiatives, whether they’re marketing campaigns, sales techniques, or operational changes. 

    Gather feedback from clients, team members, and performance metrics to identify what’s working and what isn’t. 

    For example, if a marketing channel isn’t yielding the expected results, you might need to reallocate resources or tweak your messaging. 

    Even more important? Embrace a continuous improvement mindset by seeing feedback as a chance to improve, not a setback.

    When receiving feedback, focus on actionable items that can lead to tangible improvements. 

    Break down the feedback into specific, manageable goals, and create a plan to address them. 

    For example, if feedback suggests that your presentations aren’t engaging enough, you could start by making your slides more interesting with visuals, charts, and infographics to capture your audience’s attention.

    Another recommendation? Keeping up with market trends and buyer needs.

    For instance, if there’s a growing demand for eco-friendly homes, integrating sustainable features into your offerings could give you a competitive edge. 

    Regularly consuming industry reports, attending webinars, and engaging with industry experts can provide valuable insights. 


    Ready to take charge of your buyer farming strategy?

    Simplify the process of finding and connecting with the right prospects with PropertyRadar. 

    Get a free PropertyRadar trial and unlock the power of 150 million properties to find your next leads today.

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