17 Homeowner Lists to Market Your Business To

Are you marketing your business to the right homeowners? PropertyRadar utilizes public records data to help you search property owners and create homeowner lists in minutes to power your direct mail marketing campaigns.
We have over 200+ criteria that we’ve organized into the best homeowner mailing lists to narrow down who you should market your business to.
Just pick your favorite list and add your location.
Each of these lists uses multiple criteria. In addition, the lists can be combined to better target your ideal client, customer, or business deal.
Which of these lists can help you grow your business?
1. New homeowners
New homeowners are those who have purchased a home in the past month (you can make the time frame longer if you’d like). If you’re the first to reach out to them, you’re more likely to get their business.
Businesses that should use this homeowner list: Home services, property services, construction companies
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2. Absentee owner
Absentee owners (homeowners who do not reside in the property) might be motivated sellers. Maybe they’re tired of being landlords or no longer want their vacation property.
Businesses that should use this homeowner list: Real estate agents, real estate investors, property managers
3. Absentee owner out of area
Absentee owners who live in a different county or state than their property are even more likely to be motivated sellers or to need the services of a property management company. Driving to show the property to prospective tenants is a drag. And if this is a vacation home, they might not be getting to it as often as they had hoped.
Businesses that should use this homeowner list: Real estate agents, real estate investors, property managers
4. Free and clear owners
Home and property owners that have no mortgage can make great clients for a variety of businesses. They may want to take some cash out of their home to make improvements, or they might be ready to downsize.
Businesses that should use this homeowner list: Real estate agents, real estate investors, home services, property services, construction companies, solar installers, mortgage lenders
5. Pre-movers
Pre-movers are homeowners who have listed a property for sale within the last month. They might be interested in making some home upgrades to increase the home's value and decrease time on the market - great list for roofing leads.
Businesses that should use this homeowner list: Cleaning services, other home services, property services, construction companies
6. Land buyers
People who have bought raw land recently might need architectural, engineering, or construction services. You can search for land bought in the past 3 months, 6 months or whatever length of time you decide.
Businesses that should use this homeowner list: Architects, civil engineers, construction companies
7. Large lots
A large lot is considered to be one acre or more. These potential clients might be in need of some beautification on their property. To increase your chances of finding homeowner clients who can afford you, then you should also add in equity and/or income criteria.
Businesses that should use this homeowner list: Landscaping services, landscape architecture, pool building services
8. Owners with 30% or more equity
Homeowners with a higher amount of equity can make great clients and customers, because they’ve possibly got a bit more change to spare, and have likely been in their home for a few years.
Businesses that should use this homeowner list: Home services, property services, real estate agents, construction companies, solar installers
9. Homeowners with pools
The owners of homes with pools might be interested in services to help them maintain their pool, or in construction services that can upgrade their pool or construct a cabana or pool house.
Businesses that should use this homeowner list: Pool repair services, pool cleaning services, construction companies
10. Homeowners without pools
To find homeowners likely to install a pool in the next year, you can add criteria onto this homeowner list. Add on high equity and/or owner income criteria. You could also add an additional filter to find homes that meet all of that criteria plus have kids at home.
Businesses that should use this homeowner list: Pool installation services
11. Wealthy locals
Want to send direct mail only to a list of the wealthiest homeowners in your area? We have a homeowner list that comes pre-loaded with criteria to find those people. All you have to do is add your city or use the map tool to draw a polygon of your desired neighborhood. Based on what you know of the city, you could make the default home value higher or lower to find the right wealthy locals.
Businesses that should use this homeowner list: Home cleaning services, other home services, property services, construction companies
12. Recent second mortgage
When homeowners take out a second mortgage, the motivation is often to fund large renovations and improvements to their home. They might be looking to make major structural changes, or for some basic upgrades.
Businesses that should use this homeowner list: Construction companies, architects, civil engineers
13. Cash buyers
All cash buyers are potentially willing to sell their new deal to someone on their cash buyer list, usually flippers and wholesalers. They might also be looking to make some changes of their own, or to rent the home out.
Businesses that should use this homeowner list: Real estate investors, flippers, wholesalers, home services, property services, property managers, construction companies
14. Underwater owners (5% or less equity)
Homeowners that have less than 5% equity might be ready to move on from the stress and strain of homeownership.
Businesses that should use this homeowner list: Real estate investors, real estate agents
15. Trustee sale buyers
When investors buy homes at the trustee sale, they might be willing to sell it to flippers and wholesalers, especially because they usually get an even better deal than other cash buyers. They also might be flipping or renting the property themselves.
Businesses that should use this homeowner list: Real estate investors, real estate agents, construction companies, property managers
16. Preforeclosures
Foreclosure lists are great, but they are more widely available and easier for other businesses to find. A preforeclosure list contains homeowners who have identifiable risk of losing their home. These owners have received a notice of default.
Businesses that should use this homeowner list: Real estate investors, real estate agents
17. Neighbors near recent sales, listings, or projects
Let’s say you’re a realtor and you just sold a home. Sending direct mail to the neighbors who own their own homes is a great strategy. Construction companies can also use this technique to get the word out about their recent projects. You can send mail to any homeowner in the nearby vicinity, or add other targeting criteria such as home value or equity amount to attract the right potential clients.
Businesses that should use this homeowner list: Real estate agents, construction companies.
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