Happy New Year 2014

With the start of a new year comes the time to make plans. Here at PropertyRadar, our plan is to change the way you think about real estate. Whether your goal is to find new markets, do more in your market, or simply work less and earn more we want to radically change your approach and help make you more effective then ever. It’s our BHAG - Big Hairy Audacious Goal. Everyone should have one, and we’re 100% focused on ours.
Focus is the key to everything we do. Public records real estate data is so bad, and the competing services so mediocre, that we see nothing but opportunity ahead. The hard part is choosing which things to focus on. Our metric is simple, focus on those things that we know will help our customers get the biggest returns. And, whenever possible, do it by changing the game, rather than incrementally improving it.
I believe our new product PropertyRadar is such a game-changer. More of a game changer than ForeclosureRadar, which we built into the dominant service in the foreclosure market. And PropertyRadar is more than a product - it’s a platform - on which we have plans to build so much more. Early users have been amazed at how much it’s improved since first launched - 2014 will blow their minds.
More importantly PropertyRadar delivers on its promise. Customers are reporting back that they are absolutely killing it - finding and closing more opportunities, working more efficiently, reducing risk, and increasing market expertise.
But change is hard. Changing our brand from ForeclosureRadar to PropertyRadar, while simultaneously launching a new product made 2013 one of the hardest years I’ve faced in my 25+ years as an entrepreneur. Change has also been hard for our customers. PropertyRadar offers so much, that it can be overwhelming. We have yet to deliver the degree of training we offered to help tens of thousands quickly learn ForeclosureRadar and dominate their market.
We’ll fix that soon.
In the mean time, those that are figuring it out now are getting a window of opportunity to kill it before others catch on and competition increases - just like the early days of PropertyRadar.
Now that you know where we are headed, I’d love to hear from you about your plans, goals, dreams, and desires. Nothing would give me greater satisfaction in 2014, than helping you be more successful in your real estate aspirations. Please take our survey and I'll personally read your input with the Team.
Happy New Year!
Sean O'Toole