
    Foreclosure Report August 2012

    The Foreclosure Report - August 2012

    Foreclosure Starts Down Dramatically

    August 2012 California Notice of Defaults were down 23.6 percent from the prior month, and down 49.1 percent compared to last year. In Arizona, Notice of Sales was down 16.1 percent from the prior month, and down 42.2 percent compared to last year. The decline in Foreclosure Starts is even more significant on an average daily basis, down 30.2 percent from the prior month in California with 23 business days in August vs. 21 business days in July.

    Foreclosure Sales were up 23.7 percent in California on a month-over-month basis. On an average daily basis, the increase was up 12.9 percent from the prior month.

    In Oregon, nonjudicial foreclosure activity almost came to a halt, with Foreclosure Starting down 80.6 percent from the prior month and down 93.9 percent compared to last year, most likely indicating a move to judicial foreclosures as discussed last month.

    "We continue to see reports that there will be a wave of foreclosure sales after the election or at the start of the year,” stated Sean OToole, Founder & CEO of ForeclosureRadar. “The lack of Foreclosure Starts this month puts a nail in the coffin of this theory. There will be no wave of foreclosures for at least five months. The good news for investors and first-time buyers is that Foreclosure Sales have at least remained flat or slightly up, continuing to provide some opportunities in the meantime."

    Arizona's Foreclosure Market

    Arizona Foreclosure Starts
    Arizona Foreclosure Sales
    Arizona Foreclosure Timeframes

    California's Foreclosure Market

    California Foreclosure Starts
    California Foreclosure Sales
    California Foreclosure Timeframes


    Nevada's Foreclosure Market

    Nevada Foreclosure Starts
    Nevada Foreclosure Sales
    Nevada Foreclosure Timeframes


    Oregon's Foreclosure Market

    Oregon Foreclosure Starts
    Oregon Foreclosure Sales
    Oregon Foreclosure Timeframes


    Washington's Foreclosure Market

    Washington Foreclosure Starts
    Washington Foreclosure Sales
    Washington Foreclosure Timeframes