
    Downsizers: The Best Lead Source You’re Probably Not Tapping Into

    We've all seen the memes — the one with the old guy dancing in front of his house, with the caption: 'When you bought your $2,000,000 house for a basket of raspberries and a nickel.'

    You know, the one that calls out how cheaply Boomers and Gen Xers bought homes 20, 30, or even 40 years ago.

    Now, fast forward to today — kids are grown, heading to college or already out the door. 

    The icing on top? These homeowners are sitting on massive equity

    Think about it — those homes they bought ages ago for a fraction of today’s prices have ballooned in value, and, guess what? Their equity in their home has too.

    With the real estate market doing its dance and mortgage rates dropping again, it’s like the universe is giving them a nudge saying, “Hey, it’s time to sell.”

    Enter the Downsizer List — the ultimate cheat code for you to find motivated, off-market seller leads.

    If you haven’t started generating leads from potential downsizers, you’re missing out on one of the best opportunities to score big and tap into potential sellers right now

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    Downsizers offer a great chance for a double transaction — selling their current home while buying a new one.

    These lists are basically a goldmine of homeowners ready to cash in, downsize, and move on. 

    Whether they’re looking to settle into a smaller home, move closer to family, or simply enter a new chapter of their lives, downsizers are the market segment waiting to be tapped.

    So, why is now the perfect time? Rates are falling again, which means buyers are getting more aggressive, and homeowners are getting more motivated. 

    If you haven’t jumped into the Downsizer lead game, now is the time to start.

    In this guide we’ll cover:

    Why You Should Target Downsizer Leads


    Alright, let’s get into why someone might want to downsize.

    First up, we’ve got the empty nest syndrome

    You know how it goes — kids grow up, move out, and suddenly that once-bustling home feels like an enormous, empty hall.

    With all that extra space, many parents start thinking, “Why am I paying for this big place when it’s just us and our pets?”

    Next, we’ve got retirement. After years of hard work, many people are ready to kick back and relax. 

    Downsizing can mean trading in a sprawling family home for a cozy little spot that’s easier to manage. It’s all about enjoying life without the hassle of maintaining a mansion. 

    Then there are the financial downsizers. 

    Let’s face it: owning a big house can be a financial drain. Between property taxes, maintenance, and those never-ending utility bills, many folks look at their budget and think, “Hey, I could save a ton by moving into something smaller!”

    Now, here’s where the real magic happens: you can turn a downsizer seller into a buyer for a smaller home.

    They sell their larger home, cash in on that equity, and use those funds to buy a cozy new place that fits their current lifestyle. 

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    It’s a win-win situation. 

    And the beauty of targeting downsizers is that it’s a steady stream of leads. Downsizing is more common than people think — it happens regularly in all types of different neighborhoods.

    You've got older folks looking to simplify, families whose kids are flying the coop, and even people just wanting a change of pace. 

    All of these groups represent fantastic opportunities for finding leads, and getting in front of them with the right message can help you uncover hidden off-market gems before anyone else in your area.

    So, if you’re not tapping into this market, you’re missing out on potential sellers and buyers…and nobody wants that.

    Public Records is a Must For Downsizer Lead Generation


    If you're thinking of turning to the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) to find downsizer lists, don’t. Period.

    You may be thinking, “But it’s the go-to spot for finding leads, right?” Wrong. 

    It has some serious gaps, trust us. 

    First off, if you want to know the age of homeowners in your target area. Guess what? The MLS doesn’t tell you that

    What about the age of their kids? Nope, still nothing. 

    And how long have they owned their homes? Crickets…

    This is crucial info that could help you tailor your outreach and connect with potential sellers, but the MLS gives you nada. Case in point.

    So... that means you should run to your nearest list broker and buy the most expensive Downsizer lead list you can, right?

    Think again... everyone is working off that same list.


    When everyone’s working off the same list, it's almost impossible to differentiate yourself and stand out from everyone else.

    Sure, you’ll know they’re downsizing, but what about the nuances that really matter? 

    Factors like their age, the number of children they have, and their life circumstances can tell you a lot about their motivations and needs.

    Imagine you’re trying to connect with empty nesters whose kids are heading off to college. They’re likely feeling a mix of excitement and nostalgia, and they may be ready to downsize to a more manageable home. 

    If you’re just looking at a list that says “downsizers,” you’re missing out on critical insights that could help you tailor your approach and message.

    That’s why building your own list is crucial. By using specific criteria — like family size, age, and life events — you can create a more targeted strategy that speaks directly to these individuals. 

    This is where PropertyRadar comes in. 

    We access a vast amount of public records data, including details on over 150 million properties, 250 million people, and more than 1 billion phone numbers and emails. 

    Better yet, this data is neatly organized in our desktop and mobile apps to help you create exclusive lead lists that truly reflect the needs and situations of your potential clients.

    This means you’ll be ready to connect with your audience in a more personal way, which is essential for turning those leads into happy clients.

    Make the Most of Direct Contact Info to Target Exclusive Leads


    Having direct contact information for targeted outreach is a significant advantage in real estate marketing, and PropertyRadar makes this super easy

    First, let’s talk about the benefits of personalization

    When you have access to names, phone numbers, and email addresses, you can tailor your messages to specific individuals. 

    This means you can address their unique situations, like whether they’re looking to downsize or upgrade, which makes your outreach much more effective.

    Second, direct contact information speeds up the communication process

    Instead of waiting for potential clients to respond to general advertisements or mailings, you can reach out directly. 

    This not only increases your chances of getting a response but also helps build trust faster, as people appreciate personalized attention.

    Lastly, having this information allows you to follow up efficiently. 

    If someone expresses interest or has questions, you can quickly reach out again, keeping the conversation going and increasing the likelihood of closing a deal.

    With PropertyRadar’s exclusive data, you can tailor your follow-ups and connect with them more effectively. 

    What’s better than that? Nothing, we tell you!

    Types of Downsizers

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    OK, so now that you have access to all of this insightful data via PropertyRadar, what can you do with it?

    Well, find leads, of course! No brainer. 

    Here are some to get you started.

    Empty Nesters 

    As homeowners enter a new phase of life, particularly when their children leave for college, many start to think about downsizing. 

    This significant life event can lead to a desire for a smaller, more manageable space that better fits their current lifestyle.

    One effective way to identify potential empty nesters is by using public records to find homeowners with college-age children. 

    Think PropertyRadar and what we discussed above. 

    These records can provide valuable information about family demographics to help you pinpoint those who may be considering a move.

    When children head off to college, parents often feel a mix of emotions. While they’re proud of their kids' independence, they may also realize that maintaining a larger home is no longer necessary. 

    This realization can lead them to look for smaller homes that are easier to take care of and located in neighborhoods that suit their changing needs.

    To find Downsizers in your area, you can start with the Downsizer Quick List in PropertyRadar and then layer in additional criteria. In this case, you would choose the 'Children At Home?' criteria and set that to 'No.'

    By understanding this transition, you can offer support and guidance to empty nesters as they navigate their next steps. 

    Whether it’s finding a cozy condo or a smaller house, recognizing this life change can help you connect with them in a meaningful way.


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    As people get closer to retirement, many start thinking about moving to a smaller, easier-to-manage home. 

    By using age data, you can effectively reach out to homeowners who are approaching or already in retirement. 

    Industry data can also show which areas have a lot of potential retirees looking to downsize.

    By looking at trends in different neighborhoods, you can pinpoint communities where many homeowners are nearing retirement age. 

    The Downsizers List in PropertyRadar is pre-populated with homeowners over the age of 55. However, if you want to feel better about targeting retirees, we recommend changing that age range to 65+. 

    This insight lets you focus your efforts on the right places, making it easier to help retirees find smaller homes that suit their new lifestyle.

    By understanding what retirees need and want, you can offer valuable assistance during this important transition — helping them discover the perfect place for their next chapter.

    Financial Downsizers


    Some homeowners may be looking to cut back on their housing costs due to financial reasons. 

    By using PropertyRadar, you can identify homeowners who may benefit from downsizing to a more affordable home, ultimately helping them save money and improve their living situation.

    Incorporating Lien data into your Downsizers List is a great start. Typically, if there is an HOA Lien in place, it’s a leading indicator that there may be more significant financial challenges. 

    When reaching out to this sensitive group, it’s important to approach them with care and understanding. 

    This is the perfect opportunity to refer to the good ol’ Good Neighbor Marketing Pledge

    Instead of focusing on the downsizing itself, emphasize the benefits of reducing housing costs, like increased financial freedom and the ability to invest in other areas of their life.

    Value-oriented messaging is key. 

    Highlight how downsizing can lead to lower monthly expenses, less maintenance, and more flexibility in their finances. 

    By showing empathy and offering valuable solutions, you can help these homeowners make informed decisions that improve their financial well-being.

    How to Create a Multi-Channel Outreach Strategy for Downsizer Leads


    Needless to say, buyers and sellers have unique needs and preferences. By personalizing your outreach, you can connect with them on a deeper level. 

    This means using their names, addressing their specific concerns, and offering solutions that resonate with their situations. 

    When people feel understood, they’re more likely to engage with you.

    Remember, not everyone likes to communicate the same way. Some people may prefer direct mail, while others respond better to phone calls, personalized emails, or text messages. 

    Using different ways to connect increases your chances of reaching your audience. 

    For example, you could send a direct mail piece with helpful tips, follow up with a friendly text, and then reach out through personalized emails. 

    When you consistently connect with your audience through various platforms, they start to recognize you.  

    This makes it more likely they will choose you when it's time to make a real estate decision. 

    Not to mention, using a mix of these methods can help create a marketing strategy that reaches more people effectively. You can see which channels are working best and make changes as needed. 

    Now let’s outline some strategies for different marketing campaigns…

    Direct Mail Campaigns

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    To create effective direct mail campaigns for downsizers, focus on segmenting your mailing list to target groups like empty nesters or retirees. 

    Tailor your message to their specific needs and circumstances, like downsizing for less maintenance and more financial freedom.

    Set clear goals for your campaign, like generating inquiries or promoting your downsizing services. Measure success through response rates or consultations scheduled.

    Keep your content personal and relevant by highlighting things like your experience helping your clients start the next chapter of their lives, etc.

    Postcards are especially useful for delivering quick, impactful messages (we have a ton of curated postcards to choose from). 

    Make sure to include a clear call to action, encouraging them to reach out for a consultation or visit your website.

    Design your materials to stand out by using high-quality visuals that resonate with downsizers, such as showing a 55+ couple happily sitting in their new ranch home.

    Plan your mailings around key seasons like spring or fall, when downsizing decisions are more common (these seasons often see increased real estate activity in general). 

    Consistent follow-up mailings help reinforce your message and keep you top of mind.

    Test different designs and messages to find what works best, and combine your direct mail with other channels like targeted phone outreach and email for a well-rounded approach. 

    What’s more? This is where PropertyRadar’s built-in marketing tools can really streamline your direct mail campaigns. 

    You can easily segment your mailing lists based on relevant characteristics to ensure your messages reach the right audience. 

    You can track the performance of your campaigns, measure response rates, and adjust your strategies based on real-time data. 

    Targeted Phone Marketing


    When conducting targeted phone marketing for downsizers, start by understanding their situation. 

    Research why someone might be motivated to downsize, whether it’s to find a more manageable home, lower their maintenance costs, or move closer to family. 

    Next, segment your leads by characteristics like age, retirement status, or how long they’ve owned their home. 

    When calling, begin with a friendly and empathetic introduction, such as, "Hi [Name], I noticed you've owned your home for a while and was wondering if you've ever considered looking into something a bit more manageable.”

    Avoid being pushy — instead, highlight the benefits of downsizing. 

    Talk about how it could save them money, reduce home maintenance, or offer a simpler lifestyle, focusing on how these changes can improve their quality of life.

    If they have objections, like emotional ties to their current home or worries about moving, handle these with care. 

    Acknowledge their feelings and suggest solutions, like offering to connect them with professionals who can help make the process easier.

    Personalize your message whenever possible by referencing details like how long they’ve owned their home or specific neighborhood features. 

    Showing that you’ve taken the time to understand their situation builds trust. 

    Also, be mindful of when you call — downsizers may be more available during late mornings or weekdays. Avoid calling too early or too late to respect their time.

    After the initial conversation, offer to send more information about downsizing options, like smaller homes in desirable areas. 

    Follow up with a friendly call or email, and keep the conversation open for when they’re ready. Track your calls to know when to follow up or provide more details.

    This is also where PropertyRadar’s built-in marketing tools can greatly streamline your efforts. 

    You can easily segment your leads based on the characteristics that matter most. You can also track your interactions and set reminders for follow-ups. 

    No lead should ever fall through the cracks — and it won’t with PropertyRadar. 

    By approaching downsizers with empathy and personalization, and using PropertyRadar’s tools, you can create meaningful connections and increase your chances of turning outreach into a valuable opportunity.

    Personalized Email Marketing


    Personalized email marketing for downsizers is a powerful strategy that’s coming soon to PropertyRadar. 

    Yay, no need to hold the applause. 

    The key to success lies in segmenting your audience based on critical homeowner data. Using PropertyRadar, you can filter homeowners by age, property size, and length of ownership to identify those likely considering downsizing. 

    Then, you can create highly targeted email lists, focusing on individuals nearing retirement, empty nesters, or those showing signs of property maintenance challenges. 

    By doing so, your messaging will better resonate with their specific life stage and needs.

    Crafting personalized messaging is essential. Instead of generic content, tailor your emails to address the unique challenges and motivations downsizers face. 

    For instance, dynamic fields can include personal details like the homeowner’s neighborhood or the number of years they've lived in their home. 

    A personalized example might be: “After 30 years in your beautiful [Neighborhood] home, we understand it may feel like the right time to consider downsizing.” 

    This kind of specific and thoughtful approach can help homeowners feel seen and understood.

    Rather than delivering a sales pitch, focus on offering solutions. 

    Share valuable tips on downsizing, from managing the moving process to the financial benefits of transitioning to a smaller home. 

    Linking to useful resources or articles on PropertyRadar gives homeowners the information they need to make informed decisions, without feeling pressured to act immediately. 

    Visuals play an important role as well. 

    Including photos and stories of other homeowners who have successfully downsized helps readers visualize their own future, while images of charming, lower-maintenance homes evoke the emotional appeal of simplifying their lifestyle.

    As with any marketing campaign, testing and optimizing are crucial. With PropertyRadar’s upcoming email features, you’ll be able to A/B test various elements, like subject lines and calls to action, to find what resonates most with your audience. 

    Personalizing the next steps for recipients can also increase engagement. Tailor your calls to action to offer free consultations, downsizing checklists, or property valuations. 

    For example, a simple prompt like, “Curious about what your home is worth and what smaller homes are available? Get a free assessment today,” can provide a clear, low-pressure way to move forward.

    Following up with timely, personalized touch points is another way to keep your message top of mind. 

    You can schedule reminders to reconnect after key life events or offer ongoing support through webinars or meet-ups tailored specifically for downsizers. 

    As you go through the process, make sure to show off your local expertise. Let homeowners know that PropertyRadar gives you valuable insights about their neighborhood, making you the best person to help them confidently take the next step in their lives.

    Text Message Campaigns


    Creating successful text message campaigns can really boost your outreach efforts. Start by figuring out your goals: what do you want to achieve? 

    Are you looking to generate leads, promote a new listing, or share helpful tips? Setting clear objectives, like how many responses or clicks you want, is essential.

    Next, build a targeted list of recipients. Identify your audience using PropertyRadar to analyze property data, focusing on specific groups like new homeowners or investors. 

    Always get permission from people before sending them messages to keep the relationship positive and comply with the rules.

    When writing your message, keep it clear and concise. Aim for short texts that focus on one main point, and include a call to action (CTA) to encourage recipients to engage, whether by visiting a website, replying, or scheduling a call. 

    Personalizing your messages is also important. Use PropertyRadar to tailor your texts based on the person’s interests or previous interactions, and addressing them by name can make a big difference.

    Timing is key, so send messages when your audience is most likely to read them — usually in the evenings or on weekends. 

    Avoid bombarding them with too many texts; spacing them out is crucial. Tracking how your messages perform is important, too. 

    PropertyRadar has built-in tools to help you monitor things like open rates and responses, so you can adjust your approach based on what works best.

    Don’t forget to follow up! Keep the conversation going by sending follow-up messages based on how recipients respond. 

    You can also set up automated replies with PropertyRadar for frequently asked questions. This saves you time and helps you respond quickly.

    Lastly, make sure you follow the rules for text messaging, like the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) in the U.S., and respect people’s privacy by letting them easily opt out if they want to stop receiving messages.

    How to Nurture Downsizer Leads


    Helping people during the downsizing process is really important if you want to be seen as a trusted advisor. 

    Downsizing can be an emotional and stressful time for many individuals and families, so it’s essential to provide support and guidance. 

    One of the first things you can do is help your clients sell their homes quickly.

    By providing tips on staging, pricing, and marketing, you can help them attract buyers more quickly and ease the stress of their home being on the market for too long.

    After their home is sold, you can help them find the right smaller home. Knowing what they need and want helps you suggest options that match their lifestyle, budget, and preferred location.

    To position yourself as an expert in downsizing, consider creating content specifically for this audience. 

    You might offer practical guides on decluttering, giving clients helpful tips and checklists to sort through their belongings, decide what to keep, and donate items. 

    You could also create a guide to help them understand what to look for in a smaller home, including information on neighborhoods, amenities, and types of properties that suit their needs. 

    Using postcards can be an effective way to reach out to potential downsizers. 

    For example, a postcard with a catchy message like “Ready to Downsize? Let Us Guide You Home!” can invite them to learn more about your services.

    Building strong relationships with downsizing clients can lead to great benefits in the long run. 

    Satisfied clients often share their positive experiences with friends and family, which can lead to referrals. 

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    You might also consider starting a referral program that rewards clients for bringing in new business. 

    So, are you ready to find those downsizer leads?

    Of course you are — that shouldn’t even be a question! 

    With PropertyRadar in your corner, you’ll have all the tools you need to stand out in this niche market. 

    Now, ready, set, go!

    Get a free PropertyRadar trial and unlock the power of 150 million properties to find your next leads today.

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