The power of owning your own lead generation has never been more relevant…or more necessary.
And in a hyper-competitive market, you’ll need to do more than your competitors to win new opportunities and grow your roster of loyal customers.
So, what are your competitors doing?
They’re buying outdated lead lists.
They’re using generic messaging and non-personalized approaches to communicate.
They’re using aggressive, fear-based tactics without putting the person first.
What are they not doing? Hyperlocal lead generation.
Hyperlocal lead generation is a fundamental strategy for success, defined by the art of doing things differently. It’s rooted in targeted, relevant, outbound, and neighborly marketing meant to effectively grow your reach with empathetic, ethical, and supportive practices.
Curious about the full strategy breakdown?
Read our Guide to Hyperlocal Lead Generation for Small Business |
Today, we’re here to talk about a core aspect of hyperlocal lead generation.
A key piece that will win you new business just by making you a team player, a friendly neighbor, and a support system that wants the best for your prospective clients and will work hard to make it all happen.
We’re going to talk communication.
Your communication.
And how it can make or break your next sale.
Think of hyperlocal lead generation this way.
While D.U.C.A. (Discover, Understand, Connect, Automate) is the core strategy in finding new leads and winning deals, T.O.R.N. (Targeted, Outbound, Relevant, Neighborly) is the communication fundamentals that make that strategy successful.
Because no matter how good the service or product you’re selling – if you can’t communicate properly about it and if you can’t identify it as a solution to your lead’s unique issue – good luck closing that sale.
Consider this.
Let’s say you need a brand-new car. Your old one is toast, and it’s about time for an upgrade.
You head to the sales lot and are approached by three individuals as you look around.
The first salesperson is loud and intrusive. They won’t leave you alone and they keep badmouthing your current ride, as well as every other salesperson working that day. They’re leaning into pressure, threatening an end to lot sales if you don’t drive off with a new car that same day. You’re feeling scared and cornered, and suddenly this entire purchase is overwhelming.
The second salesperson seems dedicated to giving you as much information as possible. Which is great…until it isn’t. They keep rattling off information about new features, makes, and models that you don’t care about – because they didn’t ask you first about what’s important to you. They spend twenty minutes showing you sports cars, even though you know your kids’ car seats don’t have a chance at fitting in and that they don't offer the electric hybrid option you’ve been searching for. You’re not feeling heard, and you’re questioning if this lot even has what you need.
The third salesperson approaches with personalized questioning, clearly aiming to understand what you need and align that with available products, sales, and opportunities. The information they share is relevant and supportive, and you suddenly feel like you’re talking to an old friend or neighbor rather than someone pushing a sale. You feel seen and heard as the person behind that purchase.
Let’s say all three salespeople (eventually) found you a car you wanted. Same price across the board. Who would you want to do business with? Who would you want to get commission from your hard-earned dollar?
Our communication, our messaging, and our ways of interacting with others matter.
So let’s break down just how to leverage Targeted, Outbound, Relevant, Neighborly messaging to stand out from the pack and get your prospective clients to sign on the dotted line.
T stands for Targeted.
Your messaging to prospective leads needs to be targeted. In other words, you need to be precise in who you’re reaching out to. One-size-fits-all generic messaging won’t relate to customers’ specific issues and the individual ways they need help.
Remember, the first step in hyperlocal lead generation is discovering the right leads for you.
How to do that? Leverage public records data for the most timely and accurate information available on hundreds of millions of properties and people nationwide. Data-driven cutting-edge platforms, like PropertyRadar, harness the power of this data, allowing you to create lists of prospects that share core similarities in order for your approach to instantly feel customized.
Don’t contact everyone and anyone. This spammy tactic is outdated and will cost you marketing dollars, time, and energy – which could have easily been dedicated to finding the right leads for you and outlining why your unique solution is exactly what they need.
O stands for Outbound.
Your messaging may be picture-perfect, but the method by which it reaches customers is also vitally important.
For initial cold outreach, utilize an omnichannel approach for high visibility within your community. Phone, email, direct mail, door-to-door, and digital advertising are great ways to meet prospective clients where it’s most convenient for them.
Another perk? Outbound methods are less expensive and more effective than inbound.
Don’t believe us?
R stands for Relevant.
Relevancy equates to personalization. Remember, it’s about them – not about you. This means your questions, your suggestions, and your recommendations should be thoughtfully considered with that individual in mind.
You want to strive for messaging perfectly suited to a specific recipient. Know your targeted audience and find out what’s important for them. Use your background and your community expertise to find the perfect solution.
Relevancy is all about knowing your audience best and using specific insights where big businesses can’t – or won’t – spend the time to do so.
C’mon – you’re better than that.
N stands for Neighborly.
Ready to separate yourself from the competition? Ready to stand out as a shining example of what we should do vs what your competition is doing?
Take a humanistic approach to your messaging by leaning into kindness and empathy at every opportunity. Be a team player and project sensitivity and support. Separate yourself from those who are only focused on the bottom line (and who will use aggressive, intrusive tactics to get there).
Think of yourself as a good neighbor to those you outreach to (and in how you continue to nurture conversations with them moving forward). Always consider how you can go above and beyond, and treat each and every person how you’d like to be treated in return.
Excited to start your own hyperlocal lead generation journey?
Check out our comprehensive how-to-get-started lead generation guide — your ultimate playbook for winning new opportunities and kicking off your next marketing campaigns.
Ready to unlock the power of public records data and 150 million properties? Get a free PropertyRadar trial and kick off your lead generation journey today.