PropertyRadar Blog

Audit Your Outbound Marketing: The Complete Guide To The Good Neighbor Marketing Pledge & Checklist

Written by Karina Mazhukhina | Jul 25, 2024 3:25:22 PM

95% of customers think you’re doing marketing wrong

The high-pressure, aggressive, fear-based tactics you see today aren’t winning over new clients. They’re damaging the market and putting a stain on the industry. 

Did you know that 63% of people are highly annoyed with brands that keep sending the same old, generic ads over and over again? 

This frustration is compounded when campaigns appear spammy, focusing more on self-promotion than addressing actual personalized needs and solving real problems.

In fact, 73% of customers expect companies to understand their unique preferences and expectations, but 56% feel that most companies treat them like numbers.

As a matter of fact, more than 76% of respondents view brands negatively when their ads and messaging contain inaccurate information.

Even more shocking? A staggering 91% still encounter at least one irrelevant ad daily. 

So, what can be done to change this? And how can you stand out with all this noise? 

We’re here to help. 

Because we believe every time you connect with your audience, it should matter. By using data-driven strategies and targeted marketing, we ensure your message reaches the right people at the right time.

Personalized marketing doesn’t just promise results — it delivers them in a big way.

Nearly 90% of consumers prefer personalized ads, and 80% of internet users are likelier to click on an ad targeted to their interests.

What’s more? Targeted advertising can increase click-through rates by up to 670%. 

In this guide, we’ll walk you through PropertyRadar’s Good Neighbor Marketing Pledge and an actionable checklist you can utilize to audit your outbound marketing. 

Want to make sure your messaging lands with the highest possibility of success? We have the tools to make it happen. 

We’ll cover: 

What Is Good Neighbor Marketing?

Good neighbor marketing isn’t just about meeting legal requirements. While that’s a fundamental baseline, it’s also about going above and beyond to make a positive, lasting impression. 

To stay on the right side of the law, it’s crucial to follow legal necessities such as avoiding spam, respecting user privacy, and providing truthful information within your communication.

Here are some top ones to watch for: 

  • For instance, the CAN-SPAM Act has clear guidelines for email marketing, like avoiding misleading subject lines and making it easy for people to opt-out. 

  • If you’re making cold calls, the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) requires you to get consent first and limits when you can call. 

  • Did you know that states are rapidly passing consumer data privacy laws to give people better control over their personal information? Currently, 18 states, including California, Virginia, and Colorado, have strong privacy protections in place. Make sure you're up to date on each, depending on where your core market is. 

Keep in mind that legal compliance is just the starting point. Once you’ve covered that, you can take your efforts to the next level by being a good neighbor within your messaging. 

Good neighbor marketing goes beyond the requirements above. It involves genuinely understanding your community’s unique needs while showing empathy and building trust.

So, how do you get started? 

First, determine who your target audience is. Consider who you’re trying to reach. What do they have in common? What’s their situation? What issues are they facing that you can address?

Once you can answer these questions, you can dive into research with help from public records

Public records offer invaluable information about communities and the properties within them. You can quickly look up neighborhood comparables, transaction histories, property owner details, and more. 

This data is fundamentally necessary to target your next prospective leads effectively. 

And the good news? PropertyRadar is here to help you harness the power of public records and create your next lead lists with ease. 

With PropertyRadar’s precise targeting, you can find and reach out to people most likely to need your services.

We have the best filtering tools in the industry, giving you over 250 detailed criteria on everything from property conditions to demographic insights to owner status so you can better find the exact individuals you’re seeking to support. 

As a result, you can create highly targeted lead lists and reach out to prospects who share core similarities, circumstances, and criteria with focused, personalized messaging that effectively applies to them and their unique needs. 

Need some help? Consider incorporating T.O.R.N (Targeted, Outbound, Relevant, Neighborly) into your communication composition. 

To start, make sure your messaging is Targeted. This means finding the right individuals to avoid generic, one-size-fits-all messaging that won’t address specific customer concerns or needs.

Next, focus on Outbound strategies. Compelling messaging is important, but how you deliver it is critical to your success.

Multi-channel visibility is key to prospect trust, and the more personalized you can get with your outreach, the better. 

Did you know that 91% of people are likelier to do business with companies that provide personalized offers and recommendations? 

This is where staying Relevant becomes crucial. To truly connect with your audience, it’s essential to customize your communication and address their priorities rather than focusing solely on your own goals.

Finally, be Neighborly. Are you prepared to stand out from the competition and set a standard of best practices?

By creating positive and meaningful interactions, you distinguish yourself as a caring and supportive presence, setting yourself apart from businesses that only meet the baseline standards (or those who use aggressive, spammy approaches to get ahead). 

The best part? PropertyRadar can help every step of the way. 

We’re all about making your marketing smarter and raising its chance of success. We’ll help establish your go-to outbound marketing approaches so you can reach and engage with your audience more effectively, no matter where they are in their journey. 

What’s more? With PropertyRadar, you can use a multi-channel strategy to ensure your message gets noticed across different platforms. 

How the Good Neighbor Marketing Pledge Can Help You Stand Out 

Now that you know what good neighbor marketing is, let’s explore how you can effectively put it into practice.

Our recommendation? The Good Neighbor Marketing Pledge:

  1. I pledge that my marketing will always be 100% legal and legitimate

    Why? Identifying yourself and your organization while following laws like CAN-SPAM and Do Not Call is essential to ensure compliance and build trust. 

  2. I pledge that targeting is part of my approach, not the focus of my communication.

    Why? When you proactively research and target specific market segments, you get a clearer picture of who needs your help. This helps you offer personalized solutions and craft messaging with friendly, tailored offers that make a difference. Your communication should solely center on how you can support them. 

  3. I pledge to handle customer information with care and maintain privacy.

    Why? Keep your targeting and messaging clear while respecting privacy and avoiding sensitive information, as many consider public records private. Your marketing should always be neighborly and never place unwanted negative attention on a recipient. 

  4. I pledge to approach my marketing with empathy for my customers.

    Why? Good neighbor marketing avoids anything that might make potential customers uncomfortable to prevent negative reactions or prospective client unease. That’s not the foundation of building long-term relationships. Focusing on empathy and support is always the best way to go.

  5. I pledge to respect all opt-out requests and cease contact immediately

    Why? It’s not only a matter of following legal rules, like Do Not Call and Unsubscribe requirements, but also about being polite and valuing feedback to improve your future marketing efforts.

Audit Your Outbound Marketing With Our Checklist 

Personalized messaging transforms marketing by directly targeting individuals and making them feel seen and valued with customized communication, offers, and solutions. 

Unsure if your messaging hits the mark? Check it against our Good Neighbor Marketing Checklist:

  • Keep it straightforward and concise: Less is more when delivering your message clearly.

  • It sparks curiosity and prompts action: Your message should motivate them to take the next step.

  • It’s friendly and inviting: Your message and imagery should be welcoming, warm, and engaging.

  • It prioritizes their needs: Center your message around the recipient, minimizing the use of ‘I’ and ‘me.’

  • It maintains consistent branding: Make sure your branding is always recognizable and cohesive.

  • It demonstrates empathy: Always understand and consider the recipient’s situation and needs.

  • It’s relevant: Ensure your message addresses their concerns without making them feel targeted.

  • It’s useful and valuable: Offer information that clearly benefits the recipient.

  • It respects privacy: Your message should never reveal the recipient’s personal information.

  • It includes a clear call to action (CTA): Your message should feature one CTA that’s easy for your recipient to follow.

Remember, PropertyRadar is also here to enhance the good neighbor marketing process with accurate data. 

With access to an extensive database of over 150 million properties, 250 million people, and more than 1 billion contact details, PropertyRadar equips you with real-time insights essential for precise and effective targeting. 

By understanding your target audience’s specific characteristics and needs, you can craft messaging that resonates and addresses their unique situations. 

In a nutshell, our platform makes it straightforward to identify the right people at the right time and in the right places.

Ready to get started? Boost your success by combining your PropertyRadar account with our Good Neighbor Marketing Pledge and Checklist.

Get a free PropertyRadar trial and unlock the power of 150 million properties to find your next leads today.