While defaults have begun to level off, at least temporarily, foreclosures remain a significant force in most California real estate markets. This is bad for homeowners, the economy, and our financial institutions. But it is important to remember that it is fantastic for buyers. Just three years ago affordability in many parts of CA fell to levels where as few as 2 percent of the population could afford a home in the area in which they lived using traditional financing.
With prices now as much as 50 percent off the peak, that is changing fast. Lower prices have brought buyers back to the market in droves, with home sales increasing from a low of 19,145 units in January to 35,202 in June. In June, 41.9% of sales were properties being resold by banks after foreclosure.
The buyers are back, they’re looking for bargains, and they believe the foreclosure market is where to find them. Nonetheless, foreclosures still scare most Realtors. The thought of spending four months trying to close a short sale, wading through bank-specific sales contracts, or taking on the risks of buying at a foreclosure auction can certainly be sobering. But buyers aren’t demanding any of these things. They just want a bargain!
Many Realtors I speak with tell me that they explain to their clients that foreclosures aren't bargains. The problem with this is they come across without much, if any, credibility on this point. It sounds too self-serving, likely because it is. So what is a Realtor to do? Here is my simple 4-step plan for giving buyers what they want while not necessarily having to do a foreclosure transaction:
I'm a firm believer in the 80/20 rule. In the case of real estate, 80 percent of the transactions certainly go to 20 percent, or less, of all agents. Right now, far fewer than 20 percent of agents have a clue how to deal with this market. By following these 4 steps - by getting a clue on bargain hunting - you may find that foreclosures and price declines are the best things that ever happen to your business.